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About Barnacle...

Barnacle  it's always creative spirit, is inspiration in nature, is passion for  authentic  materials  and the value of handcraft. 

Sustainable local manufacturing, unique pieces that reflect the value of the unrepeatable, materials that ennoble over time, designs that combine functional simplicity and the expertise of centuries-old crafts, objects that excite.




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The Barnacle goose, family of the wild geese from the north, bold and enterprising bird as any other, with slender shapes and unmistakable black & white chromatic, inspires our brand logo, reflection of its elemental beauty and the motivating instinct that we share with it.

Barnacle Home, it's the oficial web site of our brand Barnacle, where you can find all our products grouped by main cathegories, such us  servicing and choping boards, unique decoration pieces, pet accesories and furniture.

Get acces to our  web store to discover more.

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